What does the seller of a house have to disclose?

Look up your state to read sample disclosure documents and to learn more about what exactly you need to disclose to the buyer when you sell your home. If you sell a home built before 1978, you must comply with a federal law called the Residential Lead-based Paint Risk Reduction Act of 1992 (U. In Maryland, sellers can choose to file a standard property disclosure return or sell the home with a disclaimer about the state of the housing. Essentially sell the house as is.

During the sale process, you may attract some potential buyers who decide to make an offer on your home. Seller disclosures are extremely important in the home sale process and should be available to prospective buyers.

Norma Messick
Norma Messick

Passionate social media aficionado. Amateur pop culture scholar. Evil beer maven. General music specialist. Infuriatingly humble twitter aficionado.